Do you want to wow your sellers? Offer seller collaboration marketing websites when you list their properties.
The MAIN reason homeowners hire us is to market their home aggressively. By offering a one-stop-shop location of all of our marketing efforts that they can easily access, any hesitat...
Over the past four years, Chris and I (Daniel Lassman) have built the best real estate training platform we know how to build. It's been based off of Chris's 20+ years of real estate experience and my 15+ years of digital marketing experience. With our skills combined, we created something we're ver...
We're pretty 🍀 lucky to have an incredible group of real estate professionals that want to learn and are open to new ideas. It's your energy that keeps us going with these trainings and we love you for that.
But we realize we need to communicate 🗣️ better with you on all the things we have going on...
If you've ever dreamed of a career in real estate, becoming a licensed real estate agent might be the perfect choice for you. As a real estate agent, you have the opportunity to help clients find their dream homes, make profitable investments, and build a rewarding career.
Here are the essential st...
When it comes to real estate marketing, creating a strong brand is essential. Your brand is what sets you apart from your competition and helps you attract and retain clients. But with so many real estate agents out there, how can you create a brand that truly stands out? Here are some tips to get y...