Big Things Happening in July 2024 for Coaching by Cusi
Jul 08, 2024
Over the past four years, Chris and I (Daniel Lassman) have built the best real estate training platform we know how to build. It's been based off of Chris's 20+ years of real estate experience and my 15+ years of digital marketing experience. With our skills combined, we created something we're very proud of.
In 2020, we started out as The Underwear Agents. This was a "cheeky" way of saying that our training was so easy that you could do it in your underwear. Ha. The training consisted of primarily recordings from our weekly webinars (which we still do) and was built on the ClickFunnels platform.
The training was decent for a first attempt, but combined with our name, it didn't make the splash we hoped it would.
In 2021 we rebranded to The Suit Up Agents and, like the first name, the reception was lukewarm. We dropped two new versions of our training, 2.0 and 3.0, which were both vastly improved over the prior, but still needed to be improved. In these trainings, rather than record the training in a live webinar, we recorded videos into smaller, bite-sized chunks that made them more easily digestible.
Our audience grew and we took in a ton of feedback of what worked, what didn't, what people liked, and what they hated. After a lot of discussion and introspection, Chris and I rebranded again to the name we should have started with: Coaching by Cusi.
It makes sense since it's a play off his business name, Homes by Cusi, and 99% of the content we create is based off how he built his business.
With our latest rebrand, we're launching the newest version of our training, Version 4.oh.
Named after the latest version of Chat GPT, Version 4.oh takes a focused approach in these seven areas:
- Practical, Actionable Advice - We teach theory so you can understand why something should be done, but we make sure every lesson and training has actionable takeaways that can be implemented immediately
- Lead Generation and Conversion - We focus on modern lead generation tactics. The difference is that our tactics are fun marketing techniques that require doing zero uncomfortable actions.
- Time Management - Efficient time management skills will significantly impact productivity and success. Real estate agents don't have enough time already as it is.
- Marketing Skills - We leverage human psychology to make the marketing skills you're learn that much more effective
- Technology Utilization - Tech needs to work FOR you, not against you. We embrace automation streamline operations, maximize ROI, minimize losses, increase conversions, improve client satisfaction and thus, increase profit.
- Client Relationship Management - Building and maintaining strong client relationships is key to long-term success. People hire who they admire and they admire who they know.
- Mindset and Motivation - The real estate industry can be tough, and maintaining a positive mindset and motivation is critical. This marketing training helps real estate agents stay focused and resilient.
In addition to the new marketing training, we also have a new delivery vehicle: Coaching by Cusi is getting an app. We wanted to make consuming this content as easy as possible. That's you'll be able to access Coaching by Cusi from the App Store and Play Store. All of our weekly webinars, recorded trainings, downloads, bonuses and more will be accessible in a single location.
OK, so going through the website isn't THAT difficult but we still wanted to cut down on the steps it takes to access the training. Rather than going to the website, which you'll still be able to do, you can access everything from the app. Easy!
Finally, like with every month, we have a ton of awesome training webinars in store for you (members).
- July 9th - Seller conversations & talking points. Knowing how to talk to sellers increases our conversions while washing away the clients that we DON'T want.
- July 16th - Micro-sites for homes you're selling
- July 23rd - Real estate postcards for farming
- July 30th - Version 4.oh launch!
And you never know, we may be dropping some new offers and specials. Keep an eye out for the latest from Coaching by Cusi.
Remember, if you sign up for Coaching by Cusi now, you'll be grandfathered into our current pricing tier but still get all the benefits of the new training.